Wednesday, January 28, 2009

going granola

been so nature recently



Hobie Hansen said...

Granola, G as in Granola, R as in Ronny lets eat Granola, A as in Amazing it's Granola, N as in No one doesnt like Granola, O as in O my GOD its Granola, L as in Look over there it's Granola, A as in Apples complement the texture of Granola

Hobie Hansen said...

So sick!

Hobie Hansen said...

Water is LIFE

Hobie Hansen said...

you cant spell Life, without WATER!

Hobie Hansen said...

Waterfalls basically represent the flow of LIFE

Christine Hardy Olson said...

Granola. G as in gosh Hobie, you really posted lots of Granola and Life comments. R as in really good picture, Garrett. A as in you get an A++ by me. N as in no one photographs like you do. O as in the offer I want to make to you, which is you give me a Panino sandwich twice a week, just because you love me. L as in love of photography. A as in I want to kick you A$$ for fun. Granola.